A downloadable tool

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Requires Windows or Linux and Visual Studio Code.

MotC is a tool for creating retro games, packaged as a Visual Studio Code extension.

It features:

  • A simple C-like language, with automatic garbage collection.
  • Full symbolic debugging.
  • A 320x240 graphics mode using an index colour palette. (Resolution can be increased if desired.)
  • Sound and streaming music playback.
  • Keyboard, mouse and gamepad input.
  • Exporters for:
    • Windows
    • Linux
    • Web (with touch screen controller emulation for mobile devices)
  • Documentation and examples

MotC is designed to be an easy to pickup environment for creating 2D games. Everything is built-in, there are no extra libraries to download and configure, just install the extension and go. The code compiles quickly in memory to a byte-code format allowing for quick iteration and experimentation, with full symbolic debugger support, so you can see exactly what your code is doing.

See Whiplash Taxi Co + for an example game that was created with MotC.


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

motc-1.1.1.zip 8.8 MB

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